RBT 3D SLR Camera Y109
This camera stands, as the mono camera, for easy and clearly arranged operation in particular.
There are two models available:A: Stereo basis 65 mm, adapted format 24x33 mm, 36 pictures from a 35 mm film add up to 20 picture pairs B: Stereo basis 75 mm, full size 24x36 mm, 36 pictures of a 35 mm film add up to 18 picture pairs All models have following features:
Automatic or manual exposure control
- Aperture priority with pre-selected aperture for motives, which need a certain depth of field.
- Tracking system for all critical motives
Against-the-light correction A quick against-the-light correction is possible per unlock key. (+1,5 EV) Data storage
- For extreme lighting conditions the camera is equipped with a data storage
Delayed-action shutter release
- Delayed action-shutter release with 10 sec. time delay.
View-finder information- easy, but functional
- Four LED´s, clearly arranged, outlying on the right side of the view-finder image, give information about the selected exposure operation. A green LED symbolizes aperture priority adjustment. Two red arrows signalize over- exposure respectively underexposure in the manual tracking system. A green flash LED stands for the flash readiness
Additional equipment
- Possibility for readjustment of the camera-internal exposure meter per rotary potentiometer.
- Water level in the left view-finder possible on demand
Lens coupling
- The lenses are coupled according to their single measured effective focal length. Distance, aperture and by zoom lenses the focal length too, will be adjusted on one lens and per coupling transferred to the other lens. The coupling is fast and easily detachable, so that the lens pairs are changeable.
